Hiking with Holly

Zion Traverse: Day 3

15 Miles It's hard to wake up this morning, especially knowing that I do not get to have my precious cup of coffee.  We have very little water and it needs to stay drinking water until we make it to the next water source.  I take 2 Advil in hopes of keeping my caffeine headache… Continue reading Zion Traverse: Day 3

Hiking with Holly

Zion Traverse: Day 2

14 miles We awake hopeful for a nice, flat day of hiking.  The sun is shining.  We drink our coffee and filter more silty water.  Cordlan eats his breakfast and I carry mine for later.  I still have no appetite as per usual. We are able to get packed up and head out around 8:30am.… Continue reading Zion Traverse: Day 2

Hiking with Holly

Zion Traverse: Day 4

8 Miles It is a bright, cold, and freezing morning.  There is frost all over the ground.  I reluctantly get out of the tent, but I am rewarded with a group of deer sleeping in our site.  They don't seem too alarmed to see me and just walk around doing what deer do.  One tries… Continue reading Zion Traverse: Day 4

Hiking with Holly

Zion Traverse: Day 1

10 Miles Gannon is dropping us off at the Lee Pass trailhead by 9:30am.  We have a short distance to hike today, so we don't need an early start time. It is hard to hug Gannon goodbye and leave without him.  I have never been on a trip where he was not with me.  He… Continue reading Zion Traverse: Day 1

Hiking with Holly

Zion…here we come!

Tomorrow we are off on another adventure.  This time though, it is a bit different, since my husband cannot participate.  He injured his back at work a few months ago and is not allowed to work or backpack.  Cordlan and I will be doing this trip on our own. Bittersweet for sure.  He will however,… Continue reading Zion…here we come!