Hiking with Holly

Backpacking Mammoth 2015: Day 3

Minnow Creek Trail Junction to Lake Virginia Miles: 10 Morning brings us mainly clear skies with the sun trying to peek through the trees.  Creepy campsite is not as creepy in the daytime, but still not my favorite. My Starbucks Via is doing its job of waking me up and we work on getting our… Continue reading Backpacking Mammoth 2015: Day 3

Hiking with Holly

Backpacking Mammoth 2015: Day 2

Fish Creek trail:  Iva Bell to Minnow Creek Trail Junction Miles: 8 Mornings come early in the back-country.  You go to sleep at sundown and rise with the sun.  Gannon loves this way of life as he is often quoting Ben Franklin.  “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and… Continue reading Backpacking Mammoth 2015: Day 2